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A man's ability to have an adequate sex life is an important part of men's health. Men take this very seriously, and if their potency decreases, or their erection weakens, then they experience stress no less than from any serious illness. Sometimes men experience the loss of an erection much harder than, say, a myocardial infarction or cancer, because for many of them the opportunity to lead a normal sex life is associated with success, with well-being in life.

The ability to have sex is one of the leading components of a man's quality of life. There are no age restrictions for her. A man should have the ability to have sex not only in his youth, but also in old age, and this is an integral part of the overall well-being of not only the man himself, but also his entire family. 

But the problem is that with age, the quality of an erection deteriorates. Why is this happening? Mainly due to the development of a number of systemic diseases that lead to the loss of an erection for the second time. One of the main reasons is vascular atherosclerosis, which begins at a fairly young age, at 35-40 years. Atherosclerotic plaques form in the vessels, and the penis is an organ that reacts to this before others. Today it is known that erectile dysfunction, or the inability of a man to achieve an erection, maintain and maintain it long enough to perform normal sexual intercourse, is a marker, an indicator of men's health in general.

If a man has problems with erection, this may mean, on the one hand, psychological difficulties, but it may also indicate the appearance of a serious disease, such as atherosclerosis of blood vessels or progressively developing coronary heart disease. Therefore, if there are difficulties with an erection, you need to pay serious attention not only to this problem as such, but also to your health in general. This is an occasion to contact a cardiologist and undergo an examination. This is an occasion to do a blood test for cholesterol and adjust its level. This is an occasion to pay attention to your weight and adjust it if necessary. This is a reason to think: "I smoke". And smoking is one of the leading causal factors of the development of erection problems in men. Therefore, it is necessary to quit smoking. If you, a man, come to the doctor and say: "Doctor, I have an erection problem," then his first question will be: "Do you smoke?» - «Yes ». - «How much?» - «One and a half to two packs of cigarettes a day». I always tell my patients: "If you smoke one and a half or two packs a day, it's not for me. I can't help you. Quit smoking first, then we'll see. Perhaps everything will recover by itself." What we call vascular and cardiovascular risk factors are the most important factors that can lead to erection problems.

The development of erectile dysfunction can take place against the background of such a serious systemic disease as diabetes mellitus. About half of diabetics who have been suffering from this disease for more than 5 years have problems with erection.

Difficulties with erection may be in men with diseases of the nervous system, including those who have suffered a stroke, brain or spinal cord injury, have some hidden pathology of the nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis, suffer from Alzheimer's or Parkinson's disease. 

Today, erectile dysfunction is increasingly being treated by those who have undergone radical treatment for cancer of the pelvic organs. For example, a man had prostate cancer and underwent surgery - radical prostatectomy, radiation therapy. Almost any type of radical treatment of prostate cancer can lead to an erection disorder. The same applies to oncological diseases of the rectum or sigmoid colon, bladder. That is, if a man has undergone radical treatment - surgery, radiation therapy - for cancer of the pelvic organ, he has a very high chance of developing erection problems. Today, oncological diseases of the pelvic organs, and especially of the prostate gland, are more and more often detected at an early stage when radical treatment can be carried out. Accordingly, more and more patients are operated on. And the relevance of postoperative erectile dysfunction is growing.

These are the main causes of erection problems. But there are less frequent, for example, hormonal disorders. With age, the production of the male sex hormone testosterone may decrease, and this is one of the reasons for erectile dysfunction. The popular opinion that has existed for the last 50-100 years that "chronic prostatitis is the culprit" of erectile dysfunction has not been scientifically confirmed. That is, there is no direct connection between inflammation in the prostate gland and the quality of erection. But there is certainly an indirect one. After all, when a man experiences pain in the perineum and various kinds of discomfort, his desire to have sex can significantly decrease. 

Knowing these reasons, a man who has an erection problem should understand that they need to be eliminated, and with the help of specialists - urologists or andrologists (andrology is a narrower specialization within the framework of urology, which deals specifically with diseases of the male genitals). Today there is a large arsenal of remedies for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. First of all, these are well-known pills: viagra, cialis, levitra and zidena - four drugs of the phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor group that have passed official clinical trials and have proven effectiveness. When a person takes them, the vessels of the penis dilate, blood flow occurs and, in the presence of sexual stimulation, an erection occurs. Of course, there are many food additives, newfangled "means" that are widely advertised, but, as a rule, these are pacifiers - they do not work. Well, if they work, then, as a rule, they actually contain the active substance of one of the drugs listed above.

It should be understood that pills are a one-time effect. Today there are practically no methods that can restore a natural erection. And all the advertising promises that we will give you a course of treatment and you will recover a natural erection are true only with regard to psychogenic disorders. If you had some one-time breakdowns, stresses and they were the cause of erectile dysfunction, then, after a short course of treatment, you can count on restoring your own capabilities. It's just that in this case, a person regains self-confidence.

If it is an organic pathology - vascular, neurogenic, postoperative (which, in fact, is also vascular or neurogenic), erectile dysfunction associated with diabetes mellitus, then in this case the treatment of systemic diseases improves erection, but it is impossible to guarantee its recovery. Therefore, methods are used that basically allow you to get an erection at the right time and in the right place.

In the near future, one of the drugs described above - cialis - will be produced in small doses. Today there are works that show that taking a small dose of the drug on a daily basis for a long time - 3-6-12 months - improves the functions of the cavernous bodies of the penis, that is, the substrate that provides an erection. This regular therapy with small doses of the drug can lead to a significant improvement in one's own erection or slow down the process of progression of erectile dysfunction, in particular, the replacement of the cavernous vascular tissue of the penis with scar tissue. If these pills do not work even in maximum doses for some reason - and this happens, we call it a severe form of erectile dysfunction.If the organic changes in the vessels and nerves that provide an erection in the cavernous bodies themselves have gone too far, then we use more invasive methods. There are special drugs that are injected directly into the penis in the form of injections. This is also an absolutely one-time event. When a man needs to have sexual intercourse, he gives himself an injection. There are special injectors, there are syringes with a very small needle. Men learn how to inject, inject themselves with the drug, an erection occurs and you can have sex.

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