Uso del viagra

Almost every man experiences problems with insufficient erection at least once in his life, and not necessarily in adulthood: they can also appear in very young people. Many, getting into a similar situation, resort to various medicines and biologically active additives, using them spontaneously and without a doctor's appointment. However, this problem is often solved much easier than uncontrolled medication. Of course, if you regularly have problems with an erection, you should contact a urologist and in no case self-medicate. A specialist will help to correctly assess the degree of erectile dysfunction, as well as select the appropriate treatment.

As a rule, the main factors contributing to recurrent erection problems are chronic stress, decreased physical activity, alcohol abuse, coffee, smoking, as well as poor nutrition. Based on this, every man should know a few simple rules on how to strengthen an erection.

First of all, it is necessary to change the psycho-emotional climate around oneself, in the family, at work. This problem often requires a difficult solution, but often a person himself can control the degree of involvement in a stressful situation. In cases where there is a clearly expressed connection between the aggravation of stress in everyday life and the appearance of erection problems, it is necessary to reduce the emotional load, do physical exercises, moderate cardio in the fresh air. Then, it is likely that the situation with an erection will improve and you will not need to see a doctor in the near future. However, in difficult situations, when it is not possible to independently deal with the existing complex of problems, it is necessary to consult a urologist, and possibly a psychotherapist. Then, probably, the treatment will be very effective and will not require taking medications.

Secondly, excessive consumption of alcohol, nicotine and coffee negatively affects the state of the nervous system of the body. The fact is that an erection is a complex reflex process that occurs in the body with the participation of penile tissue and the nervous system: the spinal cord and brain, as well as many nerve pathways and endings. However, in the case when the nervous system experiences high loads not only due to severe stress, but also from smoking, taking high doses of alcohol and coffee, of course, an erection disorder may occur. That is why, in case of the first signs of a violation of potency, you should gradually limit the number of cigarettes smoked, as well as cups of coffee drunk during the day. The use of strong alcoholic beverages should be replaced with dry wines in moderation.

Third, poor nutrition and lack of physical activity can also contribute to damage to the walls of the vessels of the whole body. It is now well known that the inside of the penis tissue is similar to vascular tissue. That's why she experiences the same negative changes as the cardiovascular system, and this cannot but negatively affect the erection. All patients who want to strengthen an erection should reduce the consumption of meat, fatty foods, foods rich in so-called easily digestible carbohydrates (sweets, chocolate, flour products). These products should be replaced with food of vegetable origin, fish, seafood, cereals and fruits, vegetable oils. Patients experiencing difficulties with erection, as well as as a prevention of such a condition, should also change their diet. It should be regular, at least three times a day, and must be moderate.

As for physical exertion, it is necessary to approach them with extreme caution. If there are any concomitant diseases, it is necessary to consult a specialist first. However, light and moderate walks, jogging in the fresh air, swimming are mainly shown to many people both with and without erection problems as a prevention of the latter. Physical activity, even small, but regular, helps to strengthen vascular tissue, improve the tone of the heart and blood vessels, and as a result; to improve the blood supply to the pelvic organs and improve erectile function.

Thus, the solution to the question of how to strengthen an erection is often very simple and affordable. Using these simple rules in real life, you can prolong sexual activity for a long time and maintain a good quality of life for many years. Of course, do not forget about regular visits to the urologist, both prophylactically and in case of problems with erection, avoiding self-medication.

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