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Lack of erection, weak erection, or, as doctors say, erectile dysfunction, impotence is a very common phenomenon in men today. What is it? This is a functional disorder characterized by the fact that a man is unable to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for successful sexual intercourse. That is, his penis turns out to be insufficiently straight and firm.

Unfortunately, many representatives of the stronger sex do not address their problem to the doctor, being shy to discuss the details of intimate life even with a specialist. But in the initial stage, it is much easier to cope with such a disorder.

If you have a misfire in a relationship with the opposite sex, do not despair. Be aware: anyone can be in a similar situation. This can happen mainly due to anxiety, nervousness, overwork, stress. If such cases are rare, irregular, doctors do not consider them a deviation from the norm. But with the constant absence of an erection, the help of a specialist is necessary.

What are the causes of erectile dysfunction?

By origin, erectile dysfunction is divided into organic, psychological and mixed. Previously, it was believed that sexual impotence is a problem of the elderly. But today it has been proven that this is not entirely true. Cases have been described when men remained sexually active until the age of 80, but, as a rule, they did not have serious somatic diseases.

In fact, alcohol, smoking and lack of physical activity bring the greatest harm to an erection.

Drugs, alcohol, as well as antidepressants and some other medications can cause temporary loss of erection. In most cases, with the rejection of these substances, the work of the genitals returns to normal and the erection is restored.

The deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels causes insufficient blood flow to the penis. As a result, it either does not increase at all, or increases very slowly and insufficiently. The risk of this situation can be reduced by proper nutrition, excluding from the diet all those foods that contribute to an increase in cholesterol in the blood. As a rule, erectile dysfunction due to this cause manifests itself with age.

Disorders in the work of the genitourinary system can also cause a number of diseases, such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hormonal disorders. The consequences of operations on the genitals and injuries of the pelvic organs also contribute. All these are the causes of organic erectile dysfunction.

As for psychological erectile dysfunction, it is caused by various traumatic factors affecting a person's consciousness. Young people are often exposed to it. Sociological studies show that most often such a psychological trauma that causes a disorder of sexual function is a failure at the first sexual experience. As a result, before the next intimacy, a man experiences strong feelings due to the fact that failure may occur again. Such a development of events is dangerous because a man may feel inferior, and in the future the situation will only worsen.

Psychogenic factors include stress, depression, severe fatigue, dissatisfaction with a partner or yourself, conflict situations.

One of the variants of psychogenic erectile dysfunction is the syndrome of the first meeting, when the problem arises only during the first intimacy, and then everything gets better. Often a man cannot have sexual intercourse with one partner, while with another (or with others) he is able to adequately maintain an erection.

A characteristic sign of an erection disorder of a psychological nature is its preservation early in the morning, during masturbation or during sleep, whereas at other times it is not possible to maintain an erection.

The largest group of patients suffers from mixed erectile dysfunction.

Is it possible to prevent this disorder?

In general, with erectile dysfunction, a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition are very important. And if there are even the slightest symptoms of this disorder, it is necessary to change the lifestyle, move more, get rid of bad habits and not abuse medications, as many of them have a negative effect on potency. Erectile dysfunction can also be caused by irregular sex life.

If erectile dysfunction is permanent, you should immediately consult a urologist. It is necessary to consult with a specialist and those who have hypertension, diabetes mellitus, as well as those who have had a pelvic injury.

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